Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blood work

Got blood work done today. The lady was super gentle so it wasn't bad.

Monday is my endoscopy at 11. I can't eat all morning, I'm not looking forward to that!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

1st appointment

Had my first appointment today! It was great. The doctors/nurses/staff are super nice and helpful. My doctor said that he will do the gastric band (lap band) with plication. The plication is a new procedure where the surgeon folds the stomach in half and stitches it together, creating a tube like shape. It is completely reversible and is getting better results than just the lap band alone.

My insurance requires 6 months of weight monitoring, and since I haven't been to the doctor in a long time, this month will count as month 1. Hopefully I am looking at a surgery date in August.

I have tons of other stuff to do before surgery, like a psych meeting, nutritionist meeting, blood work, cardio exam, pulmonary exam, among other things. But I have 6 months, so I don't need to rush things!

I'm so excited!

Friday, March 16, 2012

New Direction

I am heading in a new direction. On 3/13 I attended a meeting at the local hospital. It was an informational meeting about weight loss surgery. I have my first appointment with the surgeon next Thursday (3/22), I'm so excited!

I want to keep an open mind about what surgery is right for me, but I'm looking more into the Lap Band instead of the gastric bypass.

I ready to start this journey into my new life.