Sunday, July 7, 2013

Looking good!

While I haven't lost hardly any weight in the past couple months, I have gotten many compliments.

I think it's probably just clever dressing ;)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Getting Stuck

Pre lap-band I thought, I will probably get stuck once, learn my lesson and then it won't happen again.


For a while, when I didn't have any restriction, I never got stuck. That is of course very common. Well I'm now on my 3 fill (I have 3.5ccs in my band) and while I don't get stuck or slime as much as others, it does happen.

Being "stuck" is AWFUL! It ranges from a mild discomfort to awful, awful pain. And while I can try to explain it to others, there is nothing like experiencing it.

To slime is different. It's like being stuck and knowing the food will not eventually go down. So where can it go? That's right, up! You feel a bit of extra saliva (slime) building up and you better get to a bathroom or trashcan.

So here is where I'm wrong, its happened a few times. I make wrong choices or don't chew enough or to quickly. I guess I'm learning my lesson, slowly but it's happening. I dread to know what another fill will do for me, but I guess we will see!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

2 Weeks

2 weeks ago, I lost my baby.

On Saturday April 13th, I was 10 weeks 5 days and I learned that the baby was measuring a week behind and had no heartbeat (this I after we had already seen it once). I decided on a D&C but my body couldn't hold on and I had to go to the emergency room Sunday at 3 am. Around 8 am I was being told I could have the procedure some time soon but it wasn't an emergency. Well about 5 minutes later I blacked out and they rushed me into the operating room. 6 hours later I wake up in recovery. Apparently I lost to much blood, they tried 3 times but they couldn't stop it so I had to have another surgery as well.  I had to be given 9 pints of blood and many other fluids.

I felt physically tired and week for about a week, but am feeling better now.  Emotionally, it was rough, but after talking to a friend (she has had both a miscarriage and a D & C) and I've been to church, I'm feeling a bit better.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why me?

I lost the baby. I was in serious condition, in the hospital for 3 days. It's not fair, I wanted my baby so bad. When will this stop hurting?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Port Pain

So a few weeks ago the area around my port started to hurt very much. It was like a stabbing pain right where my port is located. It hurt doing any activity that used my ab muscles, jogging, aqua aerobics, even walking. I had an appointment with my surgeon and he explained that I must have pulled my muscle and my port was irritating it. I think it happened because we were shoveling snow (we had a blizzard on Long Island and we got almost 2 feet of snow!), we shoveled for multiple days. So word to the wise, be careful, it's not only back injuries that come from heavy snow!

Anyway, it's started to feel better so I went to aqua aerobics today, I actually left last week in the middle of the class because it was to painful to do anything. Well today I felt amazing! I rested my ab muscles, gave them the time they needed and now I feel 100% better!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My first plateau

So for 3 weeks I neither gained nor lost. It was extremely frustrating. Last week, I worked out more than ever. I joined Zumba and did that twice (it is a huge calorie burner), along with going to the gym and I lost NOTHING!

Well, I'm finally over it. I was 266 (for 3 weeks) and now I'm 263. Thank goodness that's over, I was about to throw the scale off a cliff if I didn't see some change soon!