So a few weeks ago the area around my port started to hurt very much. It was like a stabbing pain right where my port is located. It hurt doing any activity that used my ab muscles, jogging, aqua aerobics, even walking. I had an appointment with my surgeon and he explained that I must have pulled my muscle and my port was irritating it. I think it happened because we were shoveling snow (we had a blizzard on Long Island and we got almost 2 feet of snow!), we shoveled for multiple days. So word to the wise, be careful, it's not only back injuries that come from heavy snow!
Anyway, it's started to feel better so I went to aqua aerobics today, I actually left last week in the middle of the class because it was to painful to do anything. Well today I felt amazing! I rested my ab muscles, gave them the time they needed and now I feel 100% better!
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